Brent75 [M] 4 points ago +5 / -1

Wait wait…. Didn’t a Mod tell us all to watch Fall of the Cabal Part 10 more than a few times? Hmm. I seem to know a Mod has been encouraging the Anons about this but can’t quite remember his name…🤔

😂😂 Well oh shit! Look at this Mod that just happened bye! That’s the guy! 👆🏻

Brent75 [M] 0 points ago +1 / -1

How about this:

What if you’ve been given information 6-7 years ahead in perfect divine fashion. Like what if Christ decided he IS going to help us change 1 thing? Just like Back to the Future II, just enough to break a cycle of strings to catapult us onto an entirely new time line that will be wonderful? In reality no one else is capable but Christ/God.

And in that you had to pick 1 very small moment in time to change 1 tiny incremental point in an event, but that single event CHANGES thee entire future going forward? What if Trump was actually supposed to die on that stage and the only thing that could be done is let DJT just to turn his head at the right moment.

Or the awesome sniper that NO ONE at fucking all truly knows about gets stopped so the Patsy, scared kid has to rush to take the shot? Or maybe the first shooter was to scare Crooks the Patsy into making a shit-shot only clipping Trumps ear? Instead of in the prior timeline he dies? Then erupting the US into the DemoLib’s WANTED Civil War?

Yes, these are Quantum “what ifs” to consider. Except the one thing that is fact……😉

The one thing that is fact is 1 person, 1 being, something which I believe is Christ, using something people here and now can comprehend and won’t get scared of, a Quantum message ……. Q, told US, just the Anons that figured it the fuck out, that exactly on a “Fight Fight Fight” day something needed to change and Future Would Prove Past yet again, but would completely obliterate the Cabal’s main A and B plans, and I’m hoping maybe even C plans. Sorry y’all but there really is no other way around Q being 100% divine due to the amount of perfect information provided, and then posts proven down to the day, person, and event, time and time again. Only Christ our God IS THAT PERFECT.

So am I saying this was divine? You bet your ass I am and have written about it several times.

And as Kim Clement said in 2007, God says, “In America, now our David (referring to Trump) can take his simple stone and slay Goliath.”. And thus so America can win, and then soon we can help save the world.

Then I’m hoping we rejoice in our current lifetime together when Christ himself rids us of the Cabal, the Anti-Christ, and we have Heaven here on Earth.

Brent75 [M] 1 point ago +3 / -2

My question: Who just happens to have a random camera on the water tower all day, and then puts this out? Is it real or to cause confusion/division?

We just need to be “spin” “what if” careful Anons.

Brent75 [M] 4 points ago +4 / -0

It was real Anon but allowed. Repeating it was staged by whom is a better clarification than Dooming. That’s why you’re getting flack.

I think it’s best to state the obvious. It was staged by The Cabal to kill Trump, but the White Hats to a certain extent of knowing this would happen is due to Q. And so they let it happen with slight knowledge/adjustment of just Trump, because “it had to be this way”, and that God/Q if you’ve read my theory, responded by helping Trump. And It had to let be happen to Awaken another swathe of the Sheeple! We’ve been told these things over and over. Not knowing the order of when they happen, but that’s why Future Proves Past is soooo important To Get.

So maybe/most likely God in fact helped Trump just know how to stand, or moved his head at the right moment to not be killed, which I think was the original “Time String Line”. But instead we averted the civil war the Cabal wanted, with Trump living surviving this.

Yes I agree, The Cabal staged this to Kill Trump. But it epically and divinely failed!

Brent75 [M] 10 points ago +12 / -2

Can someone put Trump in the “Neo stopping bullets scene” from Matrix?! 😁😁 And him plucking the one out and looking at it before they fall!

Brent75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed Saggy agreed! Exciting times my friend, and I’m glad to be with you to keep up the diligent work and watch all of this. 😊

Brent75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could be news/Fed AI crap too. We know the Net-Glowies are out in force trying to confuse Anons in their digs.

Brent75 7 points ago +7 / -0

So far the water is rushing over the side of this Nashville Illinois dam, and has not broke the actual dam “yet”. Video below shows water coming around the side as dam is down below on the other side of little hill next to this house, facing the river/stream.


The 3 gorges damn will be waaay more catastrophic!

But yep, seems like the dams are breaking on the Cabal perhaps.

Brent75 [M] 17 points ago +17 / -0

Sticky! This is a great theory and could be very true. They’ve been forced into their final “Chess Moves”.

Brent75 2 points ago +2 / -0

I bet Garland pulls the: “We can’t provide this info due to security secrecy, and it’s Presidential Privilege”, which Xiden will agree to and lock up until they can scrub it all. DemoLib criminals!

Brent75 1 point ago +2 / -1

I know not you. You didn’t quote Anon. It’s in the copied post I was referring to. I’m just saying in general, quote it correct haha.

Brent75 [M] 8 points ago +9 / -1

I really hope Anons don’t confuse who is who on the actual shooter. Because reading responses in this thread, could be throwing confusion in the mix. And I’m sure there are a few Glowies in here doing exactly that.

Brent75 3 points ago +3 / -0

“If Any Others are involved”, Deven said. He didn’t say “there are others involved”. Let’s quote it correct.

Brent75 0 points ago +1 / -1

Maybe but we’ll have to see as time goes on. 😉

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