What is the secret to happiness? TO NOT ARGUE WITH FOOLS! We are a tight family that has each other's back—and we're going to be busy AF when the audit drops! Reply here with what you'd like to see. Daily discussion thread, plus, mods will monitor threads to sticky breakout-level discoveries! READY?

OMG! I literally laughed out loud at this.
I've been trying to explain to people in our church how to "be best'. That involves identifying darkness, hate, anger, lust, greed, selfishness, and going towards things that are light, peace, joy, love, selflessness, things that build you up... add to your soul.
Egging on the trolls does not add to you. It brings you down to their level and can tarnish your soul in the process.
Don't just seek the light, be the light. If you find your are lost in darkness and surrounded by it, hopelessness and despair and fear and anger and hatred, you can either wait for someone to shine a light and lead you on... or you can be the light.
Stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself what do you do when you meet someone on the street? Do you ignore them? Do you nod to them? Do you introduce yourself to them? Who would you most like to meet? Be that person you yourself would most like to meet. Its very enlightening.
It takes a hundred years to build up a beautiful old oak tree. If you but do one thing good for someone else, write it down on a piece of paper and stack it up. After a hundred years of stacking paper, you might get close to creating that wonderful oak tree. It doesn't take much but it takes a lot of effort. Continuously. You have to want it very badly to be dedicated enough to "be that guy/girl/<insert pronoun here>". Life is not easy. It's never easy.
Bottom line. Be excellent to each other and be the light.
I was going to quote a verse from that book you know but there are many here that follow another path... that leads to the same conclusion. Spread peace and joy and love and tranquility. Be that person.