Spike proteins are just mitochondria DNA, which get released when poisoned cells membranes degenerate, break down and lose their hemoglobin. They're not new, novel, or contagious, and can be found in all humans. If you get poisoned by a rattlesnake, your body will be flooded with spike proteins.
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This is a good share JustSayIt. I'm with you on most of your insight, but not on the "toxins as the primary cause" thesis. There's a modality, unknown to most, that explains the vast majority of dis-ease has a psychosomatic origin. It's fascinating, very precise and descibes both the cause and cure of virtually all diseases. I encourage you to research and learn: https://learninggnm.com
I'm not denying toxins play no role, because they do in some cases. But I believe they are a distant second to psychological conflicts.
Covid-19 is a new animal all together, explained neither by toxins, nor primarily psychological in origin.
I'm alone on an island with my theory --- that Covid is actually an "energetic upgrade" in reality. The weak, aged, infirm, unhealthy and/or highly toxic are least likely to handle to said upgrade gracefully. The second class of people that are open to the symptoms of it are those that are always busy, constantly distracted, on-the-go, etc as well as those who don't get enough sleep and rest.
It's a complicated subject, but suffice it to say, those in a space of presence, in ease and flow, relaxing, sleeping well, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. are the least likely to come down with this thing known as Covid.
Put simply, I do not think that toxins are the "cause", nor do I think it's related to a lack of certain vitamins, minerals, nutrients, etc. That being said, someone low on Vitamin D aren't getting enough sunlight, and likely not getting enough fresh air or contact with nature. Basically, sun light and nature can handle all the "detoxing" and electrical-balancing (negative/positive ions) needed to remain healthy.
The above describes my general lifestyle. Relaxed, well-rested, sunshine and contact with nature, meditation, spiritual connection, etc.
I've studied the "toxins cause disease" theory for over 10 years. I've concluded that it doesn't explain "cause" in any way, shape or fashion. We all know the guy who drank, smoked, didn't exercise and ate fast food, grease and garbage his whole life and lived a relatively healthy life (all things considered) to be 100. There are millions of these examples out there.
I've concluded, It wasn't because he "had a better immune system (which doesn't really exist), not that he had "good genes". He was in all likelihood a happy-go-lucky guy who didn't entertain fear, worry, guilt, stress, angst, judgment, blame, etc. in his mind on a regular basis. Instead, he lived life in the moment, got on with his life, came to accept the mistakes he had made in the past, and did not negatively project into an uncertain future.
Likewise, we all know somebody who is/was a "health freak" in every respect, eating organic, avoiding all the "no-nos", supplementing vitamins and minerals supposedly missing from their diet, performing all varieties of exercise, doing detox regimens, etc. And BANG - Cancer, heart attacks, auto-immune diseases, etc. in their 30s,40s,50s. The only alternative health explanation for these scenarios is that it was someone with "bad genes".
I don't buy it. Toxins, immune systems and genes are not "Causes" for dis-eases in the vast majority of cases. There are exceptions of course.
I believe the primary "cause" of most dis-eases is what we think and the way we think - routinely and incessantly. This "opens the door" to dis-ease for someone who is overly-toxic, unhealthy, overly busy, lacking good sleep, etc.
I know I'm "out there" alone with this theory. But I'd love to hear what you think as you've clearly done a great deal of research into germ theory and realize it's a complete farce. There aren't many of us out there ----- yet!
Agreed. My basic thesis is that being negative and stressed "opens the door" to the whole bad diet, lack of nutrition and exercise, overly toxic environment, etc. leading to problems. I'm suggesting that one can avoid "dis-ease", by and large, while still having a crappy, lazy, unhealthy lifestyle, by entertaining largely positive thoughts and a relaxed lifestyle in balance and accordance with nature.