These lunatics. That one who kept giggling .. what evidence is there that she's an adult? She's ridiculous. She acts like a pre-schooler, literally. She needs a mental evaluation. But they were all gross. Yes, gross. Sickening.
And this isn't meant to be confrontational or snarky, but if someone knows, please tell me -- what is there to be proud about in being lgbtq+qrx+lmnop?
EVERY parent with a child in public school needs to be DEMANDING vides in every classroom. While I would normally consider that an inappropriate invasion of privacy, we can plainly see the inappropriate invasiveness of these mentally ill 'teachers.' Until such time as there is a return to 'normalcy' (if that could ever happen) then I think it's imperative that parents know and see for themselves what is going on in these schools, because it is disgusting at best and outright evil at worst.
Not sure that it is an invasion of privacy considering its public and publicly funded. That’s the problem, operating in secrecy - no more! We must demand transparency and fucking fight them - they are our enemies. Those that complain the loudest have the most to hide!
These lunatics. That one who kept giggling .. what evidence is there that she's an adult? She's ridiculous. She acts like a pre-schooler, literally. She needs a mental evaluation. But they were all gross. Yes, gross. Sickening.
And this isn't meant to be confrontational or snarky, but if someone knows, please tell me -- what is there to be proud about in being lgbtq+qrx+lmnop?
EVERY parent with a child in public school needs to be DEMANDING vides in every classroom. While I would normally consider that an inappropriate invasion of privacy, we can plainly see the inappropriate invasiveness of these mentally ill 'teachers.' Until such time as there is a return to 'normalcy' (if that could ever happen) then I think it's imperative that parents know and see for themselves what is going on in these schools, because it is disgusting at best and outright evil at worst.
Not sure that it is an invasion of privacy considering its public and publicly funded. That’s the problem, operating in secrecy - no more! We must demand transparency and fucking fight them - they are our enemies. Those that complain the loudest have the most to hide!