When Biden got in the White House there was a theory that the original Biden had been killed off and replaced by an actor supposedly controlled by white hats. Theory was he is not actually at the White House and most everything was green screened. Kind of an extreme position so many either dismissed the theory or are wary including me.
But as time went on, more and more snafus hint at that possibility. The best supporting evidence of this was the ABC news clip of his hand going through a reporters mic. There’s also the walk back to the White House recently where he partially opened his own door and was carrying his own briefcase. And also the previously mentioned incidents.
This ties back to Q because he mentions “you’re watching a movie”
When Biden got in the White House there was a theory that the original Biden had been killed off and replaced by an actor supposedly controlled by white hats. Theory was he is not actually at the White House and most everything was green screened. Kind of an extreme position so many either dismissed the theory or are wary including me.
But as time went on, more and more snafus hint at that possibility. The best supporting evidence of this was the ABC news clip of his hand going through a reporters mic. There’s also the walk back to the White House recently where he partially opened his own door and was carrying his own briefcase. And also the previously mentioned incidents.
This ties back to Q because he mentions “you’re watching a movie”