So a friend of mine has some symptoms that could be anything. He is one of us, maybe a little more skeptical, but definitely won't take the jab and knows evil people are running things. Anyway, he isn't feeling well, no fever, but has headache, the shits and major fatigue. He knows it is likely a stomach bug, but still has concerns about it being covid. My brother and I gave him info to contact frontline doctors. If they think it's covid I will give him my HCQ while he waits for his order to arrive.
My question is, Dr. Zelenko says take treatment on suspicion, but get tested. We all know the PCR test is bullshit. I haven't seen debate about the antigen test. Is that worth getting for him? Is it even available?
What sucks the most is we know it is people getting tested that causes the cases to spike. My brother and I have said we will never get tested. But, I don't want to push our friend to not get tested and be wrong.
He has been taking Zelenko's supplement prophlyaxis for 2 weeks.
Any advice, what would you do? Hopefully frontline doctors calls him tomorrow, or he feels great by morning, he has been feeling these symptoms for a few days, he did spend Saturday on a boat drinking in the hot sun, maybe that was enough to do this. I don't know. Any thoughts?
It sucks to take a Covid PCR test knowing the truth about them but a positive Covid test is starting to look like one of the best ways to fight the vaccine and the mandates with more and more info coming out that Natural Immunity is stronger than the vaccine. Also, people are starting to come out of the woodwork suing for Natural Immunity Excemption. I am personally n the process of fighting my work mandate on Natural Immunity!
that is an interesting take. Even if false positive helps him with possible vax mandates. double edged sword though, every positive test gives them more fear porn. I plan on feeding him with info from these posts, it is his decision, but the more info the better.
I absolutely agree but at one time those positives were working against us now those same positives can be used to fight them and he has a chance to help others by teaching people a treatment protocol. I have two or three people a week reach out to me through friends asking what helped me fight Covid-19, I researched my own symptoms and treated myself. The fear is stopping people from seeking early treatment or no treatment.
thanks for your thoughts. I will pass them along.