posted ago by QDay ago by QDay +12 / -0

The war for the truth is infuriating...

It is nearly impossible to share the truth to the sheep. Even local community apps such as nextdoor are all administered by brainwashed sheep. Only one narrative is supported -> Follow the science -> Get the vaccine! Any posting against that narrative is censored.

The other day at my place of work two co-workers were talking and I overheard one of them mention how an employee was in quarantine and feeling sick he had been exposed to COVID. The other co-worker said that employee did not need to quarantine because they had the vaccine.

I can not believe how utterly brainwashed these fools are.

The information war is being lost. There is plenty of data available to go after all of the media for crimes against humanity. No one is reporting on the truth... this is all a propaganda campaign that goes against the actual data. Diseases that have not been prevalent are spiking and the only CORRELATION is the vaccines. However, no one is reporting on it and if they are they get blacklisted from society.

Anons are doing great work communicating that information to each other on boards such as this, but this board does not reach far and wide.

How can we be more effective?

I have found that being a complete troll is semi-successful to counter the opposition, such as claiming natural immunity is 'old science' and the 'new science' is that we must all get vaccines every 3 months - who even cares what we are vaccinated with and we must trust in the science because even if you die it was for the good of humanity since you didnt die by being a super spreader of COVID to others whom would have had a 99.997% chance of surviving.

What can we do to get the truth out there? I have Rick Rolled posts by mentioning a lost animal and then linked a video claiming to be of said animal to COVID truther rumble videos... I found it hilarious that the algorithms on these apps would quickly remove comments of those saying that the video was anti-covid and not a lost animal video.

Help me determine ways to fight back - thanks!