The unknown creates fear. If you catch C19, let people see it. REMOVE THE MYSTERY!
ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
If you work from home, don't call in. Take your meetings and talk to people.
Call family members. Video call with them.
Let people see you while you're sick. 99.9% of you are going to feel like you have the flu at worst. So help people see that its not a big deal (not that getting sick doesn't suck).
Help people associate C19 with merely getting sick, and break the spell of the left wing propaganda.
I had it early last year. It sucked, but no worse than other colds I've had. A good friend of mine is a functioning alcoholic and weighs 400lbs. He got it a few months ago. He did lose his taste and smell, but he never actually even felt bad.
I have "the sniffles" (allergies) right now but that is due to the fires It is freaking sad that I have to point that out to people who shrink away as if I have leprosy. But it is a good kick in the ass to make them remember that not everything is attributable to CV.