The unknown creates fear. If you catch C19, let people see it. REMOVE THE MYSTERY!
ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
If you work from home, don't call in. Take your meetings and talk to people.
Call family members. Video call with them.
Let people see you while you're sick. 99.9% of you are going to feel like you have the flu at worst. So help people see that its not a big deal (not that getting sick doesn't suck).
Help people associate C19 with merely getting sick, and break the spell of the left wing propaganda.
I had it early last year. It sucked, but no worse than other colds I've had. A good friend of mine is a functioning alcoholic and weighs 400lbs. He got it a few months ago. He did lose his taste and smell, but he never actually even felt bad.
Currently recovering from it and it’s the worst illness I’ve had. I’m glad it didn’t get any worse but I would have had to have been hospitalized before long if breathing didn’t ease up.
Nice eengrish handshake.
Say whatcha want fren. I’m stateside. Currently recovering from the bullshit virus because my work had me cover a different shop. Can say it wasn’t as simple as the sniffles. Would I get vaxxed after this? No, but not being able to catch your breath and constantly hacking up a lung has sucked.