I have been receiving info about changing mask/COVID testing guidance from my son's school. The latest is that unvaccinated kids must be tested for any activities done outside of school hours. In his case, this is orchestra ... So concerts, and practices held outside normal hours (probably leading up to a concert).
First, this isn't what we agreed to. Second, only unvaccinated???? Are you F'n kidding me????!!!!! Third, this is just one more 'boil the frog' move.
Current plan: go to HS tomorrow and be the crazy lady they can't deal with. Pull my kid from orchestra, demand accomodations to be allowed into a different class/elective in the time slot.
This is probably 80% rational. I could use some strategy angles. I'm open to suggestions... Momma-bear is in full attack mode, which is not always helpful.
What happens if a kid tests "positive"? I ask because my daughter isn't on any teams so she doesn't have to test BUT if in a class should she happen to sit within 10 feet of a kid who tests positive, she will get "excluded" from school for 15 days. Four weeks into the school year and at any given time at least 1/3 of the student body is "excluded". If she weren't a senior, I would pull her from school. But she wants to finish out the year and then move to a freer state.
So if your child isn't set on staying in that school, perhaps you and other like minded parents can form a "pod"?
We’ve talked about that, but haven’t done it yet. This is his freshman year and he wants to be there if he can. I was able to get them a vaxx waiver, so when that comes at least we’re covered.
Husband and I are wondering when we will move. Colorado is glorious and we love it here, but not the politics- and Californians are flooding the place. It’ll never go back.
Right, and if the “positive test” is entirely asymptomatic — as asymptomatic transmission is rare and false positives are common, shouldn’t there automatically be a second test to rule out false positive?
Lol. Yes, if it really was about their health but we know it's not. I'm sure all the "excluded" kids are being counted as "positive". Gotta drive up those case numbers! I think we're being set up for a shut down in my state.