No to abolishing the police. Yes to abolishing qualified immunity to public servants. Cops shouldn't be above the law. Nobody should be above the law. CPS shouldn't be able to just make up a reason to take somebody's kid. The FBI shouldn't be able to just bust into the wrong house, kill an 11 year old, and then walk. The cops shouldn't be allowed to just plant evidence on you and then ruin your life without repercussions. Organized crime could be solved by giving people more extensive rights to defend themselves and their communities. There won't be gangs running around if the community is allowed to police itself and deal with them without the police getting in the way. What happened to that town in Mexico that ran out all the corrupt cops and politicians? All the crime stopped. Why? Because the criminals knew they'd get fucking dragged out and lynched if they stuck their heads up.
No to abolishing the police. Yes to abolishing qualified immunity to public servants. Cops shouldn't be above the law. Nobody should be above the law. CPS shouldn't be able to just make up a reason to take somebody's kid. The FBI shouldn't be able to just bust into the wrong house, kill an 11 year old, and then walk. The cops shouldn't be allowed to just plant evidence on you and then ruin your life without repercussions. Organized crime could be solved by giving people more extensive rights to defend themselves and their communities. There won't be gangs running around if the community is allowed to police itself and deal with them without the police getting in the way. What happened to that town in Mexico that ran out all the corrupt cops and politicians? All the crime stopped. Why? Because the criminals knew they'd get fucking dragged out and lynched if they stuck their heads up.
What part of "Police should not be allowed to violate your rights and trample on the constitution just because they're cops" do you not understand?