A lot of the "trends" that get pushed to the front page here are obviously done by bots, so I'm not sure if all of you are actually falling for this or not, BUT...
You do realize that the ivermectin push still accepts their evil premise that there even is a "pandemic", which there clearly isn't, because it's only ever been the common cold, right?
So we're just going to go from them requiring the vax to them requiring ivermectin? Probably less dangerous, but the concept is just as evil. Just stop playing their game already. Arguing about how masks don't work = accepting the premise. Just like arguing about the vax vs. ivermectin...
Come on people, stop being slaves...
EDIT: Dear God, you people...Ok, no one's forcing you to take Ivermectin? No one was forcing you to take the vax in the beginning either. Do you STILL not understand how this process works?
Also, I never said Ivermectin is "bad", did I...? Of course not, but the bots want to turn this discussion into that, predictably.
Stories about people rushing to vet clinics and pet store to buy Ivermectin to the point of them being out of stock? That's insane...what for? It's still "them" trying to get you to accept their premise that there even is a pandemic to go out and buy this for.
"What's new about this new sort of illness...?"
I know an ER doc who early in this mess said he was seeing an illness he'd never seen before, that it had strange blood clotting factors, especially in the lungs (which is what led to the ventilator usage), and that they had to come up with a new therapy protocol for it.
"They're pushing the idea that we all go to vets and pet food stores to buy it in a panic because it's the magic bullet answer to the vax, which would be us playing into their hands?"
That's your interpretation of the situation. I see people sharing information about health choices because the medical-industrial complex can't be trusted.
"I've never once said ivermectic is bad"
And I didn't say you did.