A lot of the "trends" that get pushed to the front page here are obviously done by bots, so I'm not sure if all of you are actually falling for this or not, BUT...
You do realize that the ivermectin push still accepts their evil premise that there even is a "pandemic", which there clearly isn't, because it's only ever been the common cold, right?
So we're just going to go from them requiring the vax to them requiring ivermectin? Probably less dangerous, but the concept is just as evil. Just stop playing their game already. Arguing about how masks don't work = accepting the premise. Just like arguing about the vax vs. ivermectin...
Come on people, stop being slaves...
EDIT: Dear God, you people...Ok, no one's forcing you to take Ivermectin? No one was forcing you to take the vax in the beginning either. Do you STILL not understand how this process works?
Also, I never said Ivermectin is "bad", did I...? Of course not, but the bots want to turn this discussion into that, predictably.
Stories about people rushing to vet clinics and pet store to buy Ivermectin to the point of them being out of stock? That's insane...what for? It's still "them" trying to get you to accept their premise that there even is a pandemic to go out and buy this for.
Ivermectin is a wonder drug that treats all kinds of illnesses, if it treats the common cold and flu symptoms and brings awareness to the drug and to the corruption at the same time it's a win.
Regardless if the virus is real it is a win
Completely wrong. If it's used to replace the vax as "required" for this fake pandemic it's a horrible, horrible loss. Worse than the vax in my opinion, because people like you will claim it's a win.
Do you actually believe we should be forced to take ivermectin because "they" are pretending the common cold is a "pandemic"?
I hope everyone realizes this bot didn't actually address ANY of the valid points I made in the original post. They probably won't in their response to this either. It's how comment bots operate.
Man I think you are confused, who is saying we should be forced to take Ivermectin?
They are trying to force people NOT to take Ivermectin, because they don't want it's true efficacy being well known.
It is a safe treatment for ALL kinds of things that harm humanity, and those create profits for them.
You're either a glowie or just extremely confused.
Ivermectin also doesnt kill or maim people, the vaccine does, so how on Earth is it worse?
...because we do exactly what the media says...