The court of public opinion is the most powerful in the country. When tens of millions of Americans demand accountability, it will happen. If the cheaters are worried about the threats they are receiving from the left, just wait until everyone in their community despises them and holds them to account.
Patriots have had this video evidence for 10 months. (This is the 10 month anniversary of the election.)
Despite having this critical evidence, it was held back until now.
We know The entire 2020 election (and 2018) was a sting. Trump stated for over a year, as did Q, what the Dems would do, and how they would do it. And they in fact, did it.
This is a show, as Q has said - over 5 dozen times.
These events are being played out because, as Q has said, some people you CANNOT tell them, you MUST SHOW THEM. <=> (Note on this one, Q defines the will to change as "Participate" - We see the school meetings now, the patriots getting involved in politics, education, fighting mask mandates, etc.)
Make Bounty Hunting Great Again! + Citizen arrest powers. Problem solved.
The court of public opinion is the most powerful in the country. When tens of millions of Americans demand accountability, it will happen. If the cheaters are worried about the threats they are receiving from the left, just wait until everyone in their community despises them and holds them to account.
Think Bigger.
Patriots have had this video evidence for 10 months. (This is the 10 month anniversary of the election.)
Despite having this critical evidence, it was held back until now.
We know The entire 2020 election (and 2018) was a sting. Trump stated for over a year, as did Q, what the Dems would do, and how they would do it. And they in fact, did it.
This is a show, as Q has said - over 5 dozen times.
These events are being played out because, as Q has said, some people you CANNOT tell them, you MUST SHOW THEM. <=> (Note on this one, Q defines the will to change as "Participate" - We see the school meetings now, the patriots getting involved in politics, education, fighting mask mandates, etc.)