posted ago by WalkingRedPill ago by WalkingRedPill +14 / -0

If you believe the plan involves some form of communications blackout and have money invested into cryptocurrencies have you considered the implications of what a widespread communications blackout would have on blockchains?

Blockchains rely on nodes being able to communicate with each other in order to agree on which mined block makes up the longest chain. Disruption to node communication could cause blockchains to fork, when communications are restored it would cause chaos in determining which fork is the real fork going forward.

If you hold cryptocurrencies you should ensure you are holding your crypto in your own wallet, with your keys backed up offline. Holding your crypto on an exchange would mean that you are at the mercy of the exchange, they may choose to follow a fork which you do not agree with. If you hold the keys you would have access to your crypto on any of the forks. This should be standard operating procedure but more important if you believe the plan could involve some form of communications blackout.