I was against taking the jab and protested everyone in my family getting it, but because i at the time was in no position to negotiate, I had to take it. Now that is not the case so to hell with the boosters or anything else they concoct.
The reason why i made this post was out of a growing concern that I have that a counter echo chamber might be naturally forming in regards to the vaccines. It makes it very difficult to filter out what i should believe. I dont know if I should be concerned for my well being or others in my family who have as well not experienced any illnesses since this particularly nasty disease going around in late 2019.
Thanks for posting. I hope you (and everyone) remain healthy. I must say though, that if I had something injected into my body that "gave me the shivers" personally, I would be worried. Body shivers are reactions to stimuli, and controlled by the central nervous system. Whatever was in that shit did something to mess with your central nervous system.
To put it bluntly, I'd be fucking pissed- and that's an understatement. I highly recommend that you report that reaction to your doctor, and to VAERS. I do not work in any medical field, so consider this as advice from a stranger on the net.
Have you seen this? It was filmed in 2019 and aired in 2020. https://youtu.be/Y2QNnoqc3XU
Hollywood. Evil minds empowering other, less creative evil minds, and calling it "entertainment."
Believe me I am still concerned about the shivers. Happened to just about everyone I know that has taken it. I will heed your advice as I should have done it at the time anyway.
How long after the shot did it take before you got shivers, and how long did it last?
I really felt the worst of it about 7 hours after taking the shot. By the next day I wasn't shivering but was very sore as if running all night.
Me and Wife ( 65 and 59J) used to have the flu almost 1-2 times a year. We work both in close contact with the public (Restaurant biz) for 15 yrs now. In early 2020 here in Salvador Brazil we had over 1.5 Million of tourists during the Carnaval. And we are in the center of the Storm where we Work and live. We both had a medium flu following this. I became aware of Covid in dec 2019, watching those fake vids from Wuhan, where ppl just collapse while walking and dropped dead (so they said) We saw all those vids with the body bags in the streets, ppl getting shut into their houses by the police... Horror stories designed to install fear around the world. I admit i was scared, and started to apply all the stupid protocols of cleaning everything with alcohol even fruits potatoes ... just EVERYTHING! After a couple of weeks, starting to research, and praying a lot( I felt difficult to breathe out of fear! While thinking I got the WUFLU) well, the praying worked every time! I started to use vitamins A to Z... then using CDESZ additionally, and since nov 2020 we started to take Ivermectin for humans 12 mg every 14 days. Since march 2020 both of us never had any flu symptoms anymore. So with vitamin supplements we are healthier than before that Fakedemic
Nice post.It probably was the Ivermectin. Where to get the human stuff?
Well, here in Brazil one can get ivermectin for humans 12 mg just everywhere. About one year ago it was difficult to find and very often sold out, but now its well stocked in all pharmacies. I know in the US they hide it from the ppl... so they use the Horse stuff. That's outrageous!!! Many countries in Africa its standard use and super cheap also. You guys should do something, maybe starting with reaching out to DeSantis, he seems an reasonable guy.
I would not be extra concerned for others in fam, just regular concerned. Do you pray? May the Lord grace OP and fam and all of us with his holy spirit so that we may experience peace and avoid the noise and forgive ourselves in the name of Jesus.
Do some research into what a "Cytokine storm" means? On the brighter side a Dr who researches labelling, ingredient lists, warning labels, patents (and I'm sure much more but can't remember exactly right now) thinks that in the early days of people getting the shot, 50% of them from Dec 20 - March 21 were simply saline as they (DS) couldn't run the risk of everyone recently vakk'sd becoming seriously unwell, so they staggered it at the start. If true (I have no way of knowing this but offer hearsay as a bit of hopium) some may have got very lucky!
Not that I owe anyone an explanation, but I bet this won't be the only time the criticism comes up.
I didn't have a job at the time and had no way to move out from under my parents. Now I work 13 hours a day and will absolutely move if they require it again.
Edit: wtf am I LARPing from this post.
glad you took a stand with your boss. and we sure would like the masses to follow. but not all will.
our friend, OP is not likely a LARP. everyone I know took the jab with no effect, except a few who had a day or two of symptoms, like OP. we can only hope they are not going to develop something later. there's much we just don't know.
but the covid thing is a thing. it's weaponized common cold, has unique properties. just because the whole plandemic is a scam with fake data doesn't mean there isn't a nasty bug that is potentially lethal to high risk groups if left untreated.
True. Left untreated, even those who are not high risk are unlikely to survive Corona-dome.
But some are not recovering well. Lack of treatment can leave lasting damage, a class of ‘disabled’ - long Covid.