I take the set of vitamins we all talk about daily. I’m not a skinny guy but not a lardass either. My wife got Covid about 2 weeks ago. She had the usual classic symptoms… fever, slight chest burn, tired as fuck, heavy congestion, and no taste or smell. I’ve changed nothing in our daily lives/routine. We sleep in the same bed, hug, and snuggle up etc…. I’ve not gotten sick at all. No known previous infection. I thought this thing was so muuuh contagious. Anyone else experience this?
ivermectin helped my wife tremendously. We luckily have a pharmacy here that still fills it. It took 5 days to fully recover once she was on ivermectin.
More important question - does your wife takes the same vitamins ?
And did you take Quercetin / HCQ or any othe substitute for ionophore along with the vitamins?
Is it possibly because you started cooking? okay okay, j/k
She does take the same vitamins but not as religiously as I do. She may skip a day here and there. She also got herself a bit run down as life was really busy a few weeks ago. Quercetin is apart of the regimen. I’m the better cook btw!
I guess taking them regularly is very important, that would be my take away with this small sample set observation!
Also some people are naturally very low on vitamin D3, and that makes a big difference - and needs supplemants over a period of time to build it back to correct levels.
I really appreciate you sharing this info, we live in an age where collecting anecdotal observations and building up our knowledge base is the only way to learn the truth. Like in the early days of Science.
Exactly! I love this community and our communication. Thanks for this.