I take the set of vitamins we all talk about daily. I’m not a skinny guy but not a lardass either. My wife got Covid about 2 weeks ago. She had the usual classic symptoms… fever, slight chest burn, tired as fuck, heavy congestion, and no taste or smell. I’ve changed nothing in our daily lives/routine. We sleep in the same bed, hug, and snuggle up etc…. I’ve not gotten sick at all. No known previous infection. I thought this thing was so muuuh contagious. Anyone else experience this?
ivermectin helped my wife tremendously. We luckily have a pharmacy here that still fills it. It took 5 days to fully recover once she was on ivermectin.
Wife got the Rona this week: Monday: oddly tired, slight chest pain Tuesday: painful deep breathing and moving Wednesday: Lost taste and smell. Bed bound, completely exhausted, lack of appetite, 99.5 temp. STARTED DR Zolencko (sp) PROTOCOL. Added to that a nebulized 12% MEDICAL GRADE hydrogen peroxide AND saline (1:12) mix - @ 7ml per treatment. Did that twice for 30 min each time. This quickly fixed the chest pains issue. This one shocked me how well it worked. Thursday: Taste and Smell still gone, still tired, getting a bit better. Still bed bound. Continued nebulizer treatments and protocols. Appetite back big time. Friday: pains gone. Fatigue gone. Decided to walk on treadmill for 30 min (she normally does 60min). Continued protocols and nebulizer treatments. Saturday morning: Woke up at 730, Forced herself on me (Now I need the breathing treatment). Got up, had coffee worked out for 60 minutes. Worked in garden for an hour. Id say she is recovered. Smell and Taste somewhat returned but off a bit. Continuing Protocols until Tuesday just to be safe. Not taking Ivermectin zelencko protocol for anyone with early Rona is fuking irresponsible and cruel. When I hear about people taking weeks to recover pisses me off. Completely unnecessary. We are late 40s (FYI).
I'm digging for more info on the hydrogen peroxide nebulizer treatment for my Mom. She's on day 8 of this and still running a fever. Taking all zelenko protocol vitamins, Quercetin, and ivermectin and she is not bouncing back at all. My next step is the nebulizer and also trying to research the iodine as well, she has thyroid issues so I'm a little worried about trying stuff willy nilly and making her suffer more. Happy to see some experience with peroxide so thankya!
U are welcome. That sux about ur mother. I am truly sorry to hear that. My neighbors mom was in the same boat as u and he went from 1000mg VitC once a day to 1000mg 3 times a day. It seemed to help. I have read some pretty amazing stuff about the h2O2 in the last week. Everyone needs to remember that everyone is different. I am a big dude. My wife could be a model. Our dosages are different.
Also EXTREMELY important. Caloric intake. Make ur loved ones eat. High as hell calorie food as alkaline as possible. High high high alkaline foods.