I take the set of vitamins we all talk about daily. I’m not a skinny guy but not a lardass either. My wife got Covid about 2 weeks ago. She had the usual classic symptoms… fever, slight chest burn, tired as fuck, heavy congestion, and no taste or smell. I’ve changed nothing in our daily lives/routine. We sleep in the same bed, hug, and snuggle up etc…. I’ve not gotten sick at all. No known previous infection. I thought this thing was so muuuh contagious. Anyone else experience this?
ivermectin helped my wife tremendously. We luckily have a pharmacy here that still fills it. It took 5 days to fully recover once she was on ivermectin.
Medcram.com Dr. Sheuhault has covered it. I wish that I could find the one interview where he lays out all of the therapeutics.
Headed there now, I'm learning SO much today, I love this thread and everyone pitching in with anything and everything they think may help. THIS is the spirit of America right here, I am actually tearing up at what we can do when we work together. Sorry to get sappy, been a long day of trying to be medically inclined and I have SO much information when this morning I was at the end of ideas. God bless you all who have chimed in, especially with the sauce and personal experiences!