I take the set of vitamins we all talk about daily. I’m not a skinny guy but not a lardass either. My wife got Covid about 2 weeks ago. She had the usual classic symptoms… fever, slight chest burn, tired as fuck, heavy congestion, and no taste or smell. I’ve changed nothing in our daily lives/routine. We sleep in the same bed, hug, and snuggle up etc…. I’ve not gotten sick at all. No known previous infection. I thought this thing was so muuuh contagious. Anyone else experience this?
ivermectin helped my wife tremendously. We luckily have a pharmacy here that still fills it. It took 5 days to fully recover once she was on ivermectin.
Yes, I'm looking into getting that test done too, as a positive result would make my family feel better about by, um, non-conforming views on covid treatment (whinny).
The paper I referenced is this one
I don't know whether the T-detect test works the same way, they bill it as being a test of having had covid but I think people can have t-cell recognition without ever having been exposed.
The 80% result is backed up observationally by the "Diamond Princess" which had an infection rate of 19%, and 20% is also more or less the estimated household transmission rate. (For household transmission, it's an average - many households will have 100% transmission - but the average would be reflective of the population overall)