How can this girl, by any objective measure, be described as "healthy"? She must weigh over 200 pounds easily, probably more. What world is this mother living in that she can ignore the "elephant in the room" of obesity, which is clearly a comorbidity with any virus?
Yep, it's not often you see a fat daughter or son and skinny parents. Your kids mimic how you eat, it's why obesity runs in families. It's taught from an early age. Both my boys were always a healthy weight or maybe underweight just a little.
There is a genetic component to the predisposition for obesity, but you're right, it can be overcome by healthy eating habits. Those of us that have that predisposition have to exercise more restraint overall to keep it under control.
If your parents never model that restraint? Well then you're pretty much screwed.
How can this girl, by any objective measure, be described as "healthy"? She must weigh over 200 pounds easily, probably more. What world is this mother living in that she can ignore the "elephant in the room" of obesity, which is clearly a comorbidity with any virus?
Yep, it's not often you see a fat daughter or son and skinny parents. Your kids mimic how you eat, it's why obesity runs in families. It's taught from an early age. Both my boys were always a healthy weight or maybe underweight just a little.
There is a genetic component to the predisposition for obesity, but you're right, it can be overcome by healthy eating habits. Those of us that have that predisposition have to exercise more restraint overall to keep it under control.
If your parents never model that restraint? Well then you're pretty much screwed.