To begin with this will be a focus mainly on Ohio because it is different in every state. However I think everyone will find something useful or a starting point (if you have one already please feel free to share) for what we can actually do if something should come from this.
Situation: School is going to full time masks already after two weeks. I will not let my child wear a mask. I am looking to bring anything to the board meeting that is towards the end of the month to put a stop to this. I’ll use that as the starting point because I am learning all of this as I go. No school board meeting experience, no legal experience, etc.
I am reading through the Ohio constitution and my first question is from Article 1 section 21 a. “No federal, state, or local law or rule shall compel, directly or indirectly, any person, employer, or health care provider to participate in a health care system.” (2) “”health care system” means any public or private entity or program whose function or purpose includes the management or, processing of, enrollment of individuals for, or payment for, in full or in part, health care services, health care data, or health care information for its participants.”
I’m not guessing this is the key to unlocking our freedoms but it’s where my mind started. Please feel free to add any insight on this or anything you think would help us a community come up with a solution on this matter. Thanks frens
Wonder if their decision has anything to do with the globalists moving to town.
In an additional random thought I don't personally understand how everyone keeps forcing this issue with no proof that it works. How are they getting around the burden of proof that the masks work? IDK..
To reply to the bottom portion I have no idea either. My brain wants to put all evidence I have to prove something out front first to not waste time and get to understanding as quick as possible. I understand brainwashing and conditioning a little because I was in the military but I’m just dumbfounded people can’t see they aren’t proving anything and they are passing the buck to an “expert” who cites a “study that was done” but doesn’t ever give the results of the “science” that we should trust lol crazy world
I would imagine it definitely would. And none other than our favorite VP Pence stopped by when he was in office a few years ago and look now lol. I believe Amazon is getting a building too. Not a lot of jobs like that traitor was promising about. I can say the local population doesn’t give a crap about masks so I think we have a chance of getting community support fighting these giants. But who knows how any of this will end. Thanks!
Well honestly from what I see the best way to get rid of mask mandates is to just stop listening. After all a mandate is not a law. Take the locals of your town for instance they just stopped caring at some point. What it would take is an absolute disregard in the school for the mandates. If it is only a few students this is difficult because it is easy to pick off non-conformists in the minority. At about 50% non-compliant it becomes more difficult to do this. My guess is that it will end when no one listens anymore. Until then I understand they will try to make examples of the first and bravest.
That’s a hope moving forward with this. I had an idea I would find something to pin them against the wall with to show them we don’t want these rules but it looks like it will have to be more grass roots. I’m ok with that. I want to make a change in my community and protect my loved ones so I’m gonna just have to put a little more elbow grease into it it looks like