If there was no "pandemic" I would not have been laid off for over almost a year and a half. I would not have had the time to research world history, healthcare, Covid, vaccines, the DS, the alphabet agencies, the bible and many other things. I am able to help the digital solders share information on multiple platforms, share with friends, family and strangers mourned the world. I have been able to live at peace, with joy, with daily growing faith in God. I was given the gift of all of you my Frens. I talk to every homeless person I see, I tell them they matter, that things are going to get better, that God loves them and I pray with them no matter where we are. You all are a gift and you have help me grow my boldness to stand up to tyranny and fight the evil. God bless each and every one of you. We are winning and God is winning. I love you Pepes. WWG1WGA!
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I am so sorry! All of my friends are turning in exemptions. My sister(who is fully vaccinated and refused to be near me since I am not) called me crying on friday because 50% of the people at her work want to refuse and she doesn't want the booster. She asked me to send her all the documents and advice I have for avoiding it! Hopefully it works.
Send her as much information as you can from frontline doctors regarding how to reverse any damage that was done by the jab(s). However, neurological symptoms may not be reversible.
Yes I sure have!