First up, I refuse to sign up to any social media app I really don't need to. So that leads to a problem. Telegram might be flavor of the month for all the exposure needs, but some of us won't go back to social media as we may have before, and this leads to an information bottle neck. This is compounded by people trying to show off their cleverness (it's not really) by making posts containing such information with cryptic topic titles and trite cryptic wittiness in the description, with little to no information of importance in the post.
So, the point of this: Is there a "service" that exists to give a link to download the pertinent info? Youtube has MANY sites like this, so I'm wondering if there was something like it for Telegram.
This is not exactly what you asked for, but perhaps it will help. Usually, when people post a Telegraph link, like this, , it takes you to a Telegraph page that insists that the app is needed. If you click the "view it in Telegram", it won't let you. However, if you add an s/ to the url right after the me/, like this: you can browse that channel without logging in or downloading the app. I do this on my laptop browser. I can see all the posts, but some of the video's won't play for me, some will.
This is the approach I use as well. No login needed is great, being able to link to a post or channel in a way viewable by everyone is nice also.
Recommended for people not wanting to sign in, a position I agree with.