So, how many backups do you think they've done, "protecting your data"? Can't delete what's on a backup; it's no longer in your control.
I love how Elon and Pres. Trump say/write the most outlandish sounding things to get people's attention. Whether it red-pills them or not, at least the conversations are now being had, and Anons have front row seats to the movie!
It appears the game will be shown OTA. Watching the pre-game now.
The only time I got really sick was when spending 2 hours in close quarters with someone recently boosted in 2022. I immediately took an antihistamine that Friday morning, started HCQ, stayed in bed with horrible pain in every cell of my body Fri & Sat, and by Monday I was much better. Went to an ENT who stuck a covid test swab up to my brain before I knew what he was doing. Learned my lesson that time. A few times after spending time in a group of people, have woken up the next morning with what I would call allergy/ coming down with something feeling. Immediately take my normal dose of ivermectin (horse paste) and by afternoon feeling well again.
I stay away from recently boosted / flu shot people and anyone coughing. If I'm around a group, I'll take a dose of ivermectin later that day and use a saline sinus rinse. I take a high dose (50,000 ui) of Vit D weekly. Vit K-MK4 daily. I rinse my hands with clean water often, and ALWAYS when I get home from "somewhere". I don't use the smelly hand cleaners of any kind. I get all my drinking water from the reverse osmosis water dispensers at the grocery store. Bought the 5 gallon jugs and quite a few of the 1 gallon jugs first, then refill them, and replace after using them a while. NEVER drink tap water unless it's served to me at a restaurant, and most I go to filter their water. Our water in this area frequently smells of bleach, so tap water is very noticeable. Keep my air filters clean, changing more often than normal. Have a UV light that operates with the A/C. I'm more careful to use a mask or nose filter when raking leaves or working in the woods, and going in dusty or musty smelling thrift stores.
I used to get horrible allergies for the entire winter, several times ending up in the ER from total exhaustion or fluid in my lungs. This had gone on for about 40-50 years. Since starting taking ivermectin about once a month, and doing the above, so far, I haven't had any respiratory problems during the winter. My "winter allergy" (caused from dry leaves) went away. Though I still have an occasional cough that started several years ago right after spending 2 days in the car with a cousin who had a cough and had recently been to Germany.
A lot of the vaxxed people around me who shoved aside my attempts to let them know about HCQ are now getting sick almost monthly, and are missing a lot of events due to a "cold". Somehow I can't feel sorry for them due to their attitudes. University environments do something bad to decent adults.
Thanks for the post. I agree it's the same chart, and people, including me, like a direct link. Since the Waltz chart was different, I needed to research and find out why. Was he doing it deliberately to mislead, was it altered in some fashion, etc.
The breadcrumb chart I linked has a govt stamp in the bottom left, and it shows people there are various charts available from different years, and exactly where the "real" charts come from. Two years from now, if someone finds this post, they can follow the breadcrumbs to find the "latest" chart, assuming the site doesn't get revamped and all the url's changed.
Looks like Waltz may want this old 2002 version circulating so people don't realize ALL the Independents and Govt corps are currently under the control of the Executive Branch. His chart is dated 2002. Here is how to get the most recent 2022 chart straight from the US Govt.: United States Government Manual
From the above link, click the + to Browse the latest US Government Manual,
then click the + to view Front Matter
then click pdf beside The Government of the United States to get the latest (2022) US Government Organization chart.
he's going to destroy the CIA!
She's probably right about that.
And perhaps the amount we paid will come out during this great exposure.
In my situation, having property taxes eliminated would help me much more than federal taxes being eliminated.
I'm in AL too, and have never paid federal tax on SS, but have to pay state tax every year. It has to do with amount of SS income, and any other income. Passive income isn't counted the same as active income. Even though I have a bit of rental income, the standard deduction makes my federal amount owed -0-.
People who receive large amounts of SS may have to pay federal taxes.
Q post 3546, see this GAW post.
Q post 3538, 3546, and 3692. All are different versions of the same picture, all of them have their faces covered.
An excellent read, thanks for sharing!
I'm not subscribed, and I was able to read it. Think I did have to click an X to make a box go away.
Looks like Ft. McClellan.
I'm not convinced it's a generation thing. More like what garbage went into your head, and how independent of a person are you. The dependent, cliquish, tender heart types have the feel-good democrat save the world, take care of me ideology. The independent types I know are logical, independent types. I'm a boomer surrounded by Trump supporters in my age range in a red state. I lived during the hippy times, but they were an interesting aberration to me. A lot of people took that laid back, don't worry attitude to heart, and created yurt communities and other places for old hippies to hang out. In my world, I'm seeing quite a few late 50's and under who are liberal Trump haters. A surprising number of mid-30's to mid-40's age range in the programmer / DIY world are liberal. I'm hoping the much younger ones are getting to see through the BS going on around them now, and reject the liberal stance.
Saving this so I can re-read when I need a boost! That excitement with each new Q post was like no other!
I am totally counting on prosecutions!
Current poll numbers (7:17 CST):
Yes 51.8%
F Yes 41.3%
No 6.9%
1,098,826 votes - 17 hours left
My vague memory says that he did stop it in the United States however he shipped it out to other countries and continued paying for the research.
I agree. And I have wondered if somebody could set up something like our general chat where Wins for the day could be posted, and it could be linked to yesterday's Wins of the day.
Looks as empty as my local AutoZone without all the illegals filling it up.
That doesn't look like the same sign, unless they replaced them all, or it has to do with perspective. The sign under Sprouts is totally different. The other signs have more "white space" to their sides than this one. Something isn't right... I read further down on this thread. The one with lots of pictures. Looks like the Sprouts sign is laying on the ground, damaged, so perhaps they replaced all the broken signs with new ones this morning, which would make them all "look different".
NYT original article is behind a paywall
"Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent gave representatives of the so-called Department of Government Efficiency full access to the federal payment system late on Friday, according to three people familiar with the change, handing Elon Musk and the team he is leading a powerful tool to monitor and potentially limit government spending."
So true, the career politicians have lost all understanding of the "regular folks". Then they attempt to push their "false beliefs" onto everyone else as "everyone's reality". Thank goodness Pres. Trump is doing a housecleaning.
I agree, it does sound dumb, so dumb it made me laugh. I think he's doing crazy stuff like this to get discussions started.