I'm not entirely defending them but I wish people would stop painting with a broad brush and blaming whole generations etc. Sure, Gen Z has some big issues but so do others and you have to remember that Gen Z especially have been exposed to heaps of endocrine disruptors and prolific media brainwashing/technology basically their whole lives, that has to have an affect that you can't fully blame them for.
It's a complex issue and whether you like it or not, the older 2-3 generations are as much to blame for not stopping some of this stuff in it's tracks.
I'm not entirely defending them but I wish people would stop painting with a broad brush and blaming whole generations etc. Sure, Gen Z has some big issues but so do others and you have to remember that Gen Z especially have been exposed to heaps of endocrine disruptors and prolific media brainwashing/technology basically their whole lives, that has to have an affect that you can't fully blame them for.
It's a complex issue and whether you like it or not, the older 2-3 generations are as much to blame for not stopping some of this stuff in it's tracks.