SUNDAY SELF-IMPROVEMENT DAY: Have you made any life changes thanks to the Great Awakening? What were they, and why? What prompted you to do it?

What videos or programme did you follow
Right now I'm doing wendlers 5/3/1 with a big focus on BBB (big bit boring). Its an intermediate strength program with huge focus on compound movements, but I've added additional volume isolation wise. Shit ton of weighted pull/chin ups, benching, squats, deadlifts, and over head presses. Basically I do 3 strength sets with weekly changes in rep schemes, and then 3-5x10 at a lower load for hypertrophy. It is kicking my ass, but I'm repping out massive weight and my strength has skyrocketed from following the programming correctly. Strength work is in 4 week periods, so week one is 3x5, week 2 is 3x3, week 3 is your 5 rep max, then your 3 rep max, then you go for a PR on a one rep, and week 4 is a deload, so I just do high volume to drive mass through hypertrophy.
It might be a little too much volume for anyone without a foundation of strength in my opinion, but SL 5x5 is a great linear progression program to build strength for beginners, and as long as you're eating ebough and staying consistent, 5x5 moving into 5/3/1 would be a great way to build strength and mass.