-3M -Adobe -AFLAC -AstraZeneca -ATT -AnthemBlueCrossBlueShield -Bayer -Bank of Commerce -Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation -Biogen -Cargill -Cambridge University Press -Century21 -Charles Schwabb Corp -Cisco Systems -Citi Bank -Coca Cola -Clorox -CNN/ Time Warner -Costco -CVS -Data Processing Management Inc -Dell -Delta Airlines -Diazyme Labs -Disney -E.T. enterprises -EasternMountainSports -EventBrite -Exxonmobile -Facebook -Fidelity -Ford -General Electric -General Mills -General Motors -Google -Government of Canada -Hampton Inn -Hilton Hotels -HomeDepot -IMG -Infectious Disease Counsultants Inc -Jansen -Johnson and Johnson -JVC -Kaiser -Kohl’s -Liberty Mutual -Magellan
- MailChimp -McDonald’s -Merck -Microgenics -Microsoft -Motorola -NFL -Nanoentek -NY society of Infectious Diseases -Nike -NorthAmerican Vaccine Inc -Novavax -Onstar -Oxford University -PayPal -Pfizer -Proctor&Gamble (PG) -Princeton -Quaker Oats -Quest Diagnostics -Roche -Safeway -Siemens -Spirit -Sprint -Staples -Starbucks -Statefarm -Target -T-Mobile -Toyota -Trojan Condoms -TBS -UPS -Verizon -Walmart -Walgreens -WebMD -World Health Communications Inc
A vaccine sales and marketing company is the most accurate descriptor of the CDC.