trapped school kids in Afgan
WHY would you travel to a nation that we have/had an active war with?
WHY would this travel be allowed? Really. What kind of dimwits would take kids on a** field trip** to AFGHANISTAN? Doesn't the State Dept have to approve such travel?
Where are the parents and why haven't any of them been on tv to voice their concerns. SILENCE! If I were Hannity or Tucker or Ingraham, I'd be having some of those parents on.
This has to be theater....
OR.... could it be that this is a cover story to protect the kids? r these kids victims of trafficking n r now being rescued? the whole story we're hearing is 'off'-imo
.............“There are thousands of students and children there in the same predicament that will start to unfold, I think, in the coming days and weeks,” ---
I believe they were Afghan ex-pats visiting family. Which is bad too, it means that the DoD which knew the Taliban were encroaching, let the State Dept. give them and others visas to go to the warzone.
thousands? GP said some students were on a field trip. all seems weird to me
This. It wasn't a field trip. Does anyone here so why actual research?