Why the sleepers have such a hard time waking up: • They are terrified of being wrong, especially about the "vax". • They are unable to imagine the unimaginable depth and scope of the corruption. • They are unable to imagine the unimaginable depth and scope of the evil behavior of the cabal. • They have been programmed not to question the cabal narratives (CIA weaponization of "conspiracy theory" so that those who espouse opposition to the cabal are believed to be "crazy"). • They have been programmed to believe that members of the Alliance are evil-doers (misogynists, racists, homophobes, islamophobes, fascists, nazis). • They are deathly afraid of being shunned as crazy or evil if they were to buy into the Alliance narrative. • They greatly fear having their beliefs changed to that of the Alliance narrative because then they and others, will view themselves as crazy, evil, etc. (My wife has said that she fears that because I'm so persuasive, she might start to believe as I do and so won't discuss the Alliance narrative with me, and has threatened to divorce me if I don't stop bringing it up.).
So, what, if anything, can be done to ease their fears? Stop trying to wake them up. Pray for them to wake up while practicing unruffled patience. Other than that, the fear-mongering main-stream-media keeps them in a constant state of fear whereby they have no problem giving up their rights, spreading the propaganda and fear, and (some of them) turning in those who seem to threaten them by not following the cabal protocols (getting "vaxed", wearing masks, etc.).
All I can say is, "Welcome to my world OP"...wife and all.