posted ago by wideawakeuk ago by wideawakeuk +58 / -0

There have been many 'sudden' younger deaths of late, I have just concentrated on the sports. I am not making the assumption that these people were vaxxed (some definitely were), just accumulating what I feel are unusually high numbers.


Christian Eriksen (heart attack, survived) https://archive.fo/tHh2T#selection-847.29-847.46

Roy Butler (massive brain bleed, died) https://davidicke.com/2021/08/19/irish-footballer-roy-butler-dies-at-23-of-massive-brain-bleed-three-days-after-getting-fake-covid-vaccine-media-stay-silent-on-the-obvious-connection/

Fabrice N’Sakala (collapsed on pitch, hospital recovery) https://archive.fo/PVbVT#selection-835.0-835.16

Dylan Rich (cardiac arrest, died) https://archive.fo/wip/DxJBc


Dave Hyde (collapsed post-match, died) https://archive.fo/wip/bXyX5

Alex Evans (cardiac arrest, died) https://archive.fo/3jxOb


Maqsood Anwar (heart attack, died) https://archive.fo/wip/6SJIf

TWO West Indies Women's Cricketers Collapse in 10 mins: https://archive.fo/mUeEL

Keeping an eye out, sport seems the most likely thing to exacerbate ill effects. Grateful for any additions to the list.