First, news from Korea
Korea mulls ‘living with COVID-19’ after reaching 70% vaccine target that around October, the country may be able to switch to a new strategy of minimizing mitigation measures and allowing more “normal” to return.
“We should move on from managing all cases to managing just the severe cases,” he said.
So the MSM panics and pushes to change the narrative
Delta variant outbreak threatens Singapore's 'living with Covid' model
the government announced it was planning to move toward a living with Covid strategy -- attempting to control outbreaks with vaccines and monitoring hospitalizations rather than restricting citizens' lives.
But the new outbreak has halted any further re-openings, Singapore's Covid taskforce chief Wong said on Monday.
(MSM also gives a )
A warning for other countries
Singapore's outbreak comes as other countries in the region, which were previously aiming for zero infections, move towards a similar living with Covid model.
Moral of the story: They are after our freedom.
Something Wong with this task force.