It's easy to say you will quit or be fired before taking the shot until the situation actually comes to your door and your entire livelihood is at stake. Some people are just not cut out for fighting.
I have a friend who is in that situation and would not take the shot under normal circumstances, but their employer is mandating it. They recently got the job and it's a career-making promotion with major compensation. They have been stressing about the whole thing... they are going to try to get an exemption first, but if that fails.... they feel like there is no real option other than to get the shot and pray. I wonder what the going price would be to bribe the shot giver to 'forget' to mix the vax with the saline...
There must be a dark web network for this kind of stuff... how does a non-criminal figure this kind of stuff out?!?
Note/Update: Of course, my friend would never break the law. I'm just musing and curious about how one actually does that...
I agree. While it's important to fight, it's about as easy to keep up the fight for some people as it was for others to shut down their stores for months, aka it's impossible.
Q does mention the importance of camouflage. Where would we be if instead of camouflaging, our soldiers stood up firing wildly screaming "USA! USA! USA!"? They would be brave soldiers, but they would also be dead and everyone after would say "why did they reveal themselves like that instead of waiting it out to fight another day?"