BRAZIL MEGATHREAD: Brazilian independence day brings HUGE protests! Brazilian Bolsonaro supporters are in the streets, demanding a military coup and removal of their corrupt, "progressive" & globalist Supreme Court. The propaganda is incredible, absolutelthrough the ROOF! Follow the situation here!

Fora Bolsonaro = Out with Bolsonaro.
This country is in a messy situation. I will be traveling there, in all likelihood, in <8 weeks, and am concerned as to what the fuck I will be facing during my visit.
Let's hope the country remains in place. Otherwise, Brazil will fall very, very hard and fast.
I'll be going there too, we'll be staying in Curitiba. I was there a few years ago when bolsonaro was elected. The city was absolutely going crazy with excitement. I had never seen anything like it.
No shit! I was staying in Vila Izabel, streets were wild! I might shoot you a message when I get back there, grab a beer and if you're up for it. I can't wait to get back there man. I fucking loved my 6 months there.
I can atest you that the majority of the people on the streets today are in support of Bolsonaro and against our corrupt Federal Supreme Court:
This week, some citizens were in a bar talking between themselves about one of the corrupt Supremes Alexandre de Moraes. They were drunk but also pissed about a lot arbitrary and uncostitutional prision warrants Alexandre was signing to jail common citizens that were helping organize this rally that's happening today.
It happens that some of his security personel also frequents that bar, heard the insults and called the Supreme telling him that some random people were talking between themselves about how he was a "careca ladrão (bald thief)", "advogado do PCC (lawyer of a huge national-wide drug cartel gang called 'Primeiro Comando da Capital')", "vamos fechar o STF (let's shut down the Federal Supreme Court)" and "bald motherfucker".
I mean, here we can't even talk about politics anymore in public? Link
Here is the police report: https://files.catbox.moe/szlo2c.pdf
Luckily, our memewarriors here are strong. Most people can see who the corrupts actors are and can share a laght when they see this kind of informative meme where the Supreme play all the roles in the court, being the plaintiff, the jury, and all the witness of a trial where he was is offended by "we the people". Link
The left here in Brazil has being gaslighting international media by bringing a few paid protestors to hold Bolsonaro-opposition protests in the same day when the majority of the public decides to show support for him. That way, even of they have only 5% of people gathering today, thay can propagate a lie through the corrupt MSM here.
Here are some links of protests in support of Bolsonaro and against the Federal Supreme Court:
Here is a random citizen 'Dona Rosa', 95 years old being asked if she was here to against the republic and answering she is here against Communism: https://twitter.com/oiIuiz/status/1435248976719237126?s=20
Rio de Janeiro https://twitter.com/bolsomito_2/status/1435262101946310671?s=20
Pará: https://twitter.com/EderMauroPA/status/1435270045685387267?s=20
São Paulo: https://twitter.com/TonyStarkMeta/status/1435287213340774401?s=20
Brasília, at the Federal Supreme Court doorstep: https://twitter.com/Klecart85/status/1435273752355409929
Edit1: But I don't think Bolsonaro will go for a Coup. This rally today will be pure pressure on the Senate and the least-corrupt members Supreme Court to put a leash on Alexandre de Moraes or force him to resign.
My guess he's waiting on some of the news of USA election fraud finally get's through when Biden is removed, so he'll be able to rally the population here even more against the Senate to stop sitting on theirs fingers, forcing them to vote the impeachment of the Supreme that has being started by Bolsonaro in the executive branch.
Edit2: Just read the /pol/ synopsis and it's right on.
Edit3: Huge conservative channel live