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Let's show due respect to one of the major beligerants in this conflict, the CCP. They are very good at what they do, which is establish and preserve authoritarianism. As such they are master propagandists and the observation in the meme is the fruit of that effort. This is why the Q project and the related work that you all do is so vitally important. Q means it when they refer to "information warfare". (By the way, I do not show the same respect for the Democrat Party. They want to be like the CCP, but they suck at it. Exhibit A: Afghanistan. It is some justice against the CCP that they are stuck with the Democrats as proxies here.)
Sounds like something a Cop would say...are you a Cop?!
No, and I've never heard a cop say such. That doesn't necessarily mean they don't. Just I've never heard it.