That is a rude awakening to each and everyone of us in the United States. We are seeing firsthand how quickly their agenda can move with little to no resistance. It seems that Australian citizens have no way to communicate let alone organize. I fear that is what is going to happen next to the United States. All they have to do is shut off the Internet and cell phone towers and people have no way of talking to each other the old methods of land lines is completely outdated you can’t even hardly find a payphone anymore.
That is a rude awakening to each and everyone of us in the United States. We are seeing firsthand how quickly their agenda can move with little to no resistance. It seems that Australian citizens have no way to communicate let alone organize. I fear that is what is going to happen next to the United States. All they have to do is shut off the Internet and cell phone towers and people have no way of talking to each other the old methods of land lines is completely outdated you can’t even hardly find a payphone anymore.