Reported on today: A school board member in Hadley, MA quit over a parent berating him after a unanimous board vote to mask up the students. Says he is a vet (served but resigned as a conscientious objector (coward)).
Son-in Law says his company was informed that all employees need to vaccinate to work perform service at a major hospital, UMASS Memorial. Boss put it to a vote: 80% said no fucking way they are getting the clot shot. Boss told the hospital they won’t be working there anymore and good luck trying to find replacements.
People are rising up even in this sewer of progressiveness - Massachusetts.
Reported on today: A school board member in Hadley, MA quit over a parent berating him after a unanimous board vote to mask up the students. Says he is a vet (served but resigned as a conscientious objector (coward)).
Son-in Law says his company was informed that all employees need to vaccinate to work perform service at a major hospital, UMASS Memorial. Boss put it to a vote: 80% said no fucking way they are getting the clot shot. Boss told the hospital they won’t be working there anymore and good luck trying to find replacements.
People are rising up even in this sewer of progressiveness - Massachusetts.