I know some people keep asking for any verse in the bible that may support a religious exemption. Well this popped up on my app this morning and for some of you it may fit the bill. It's not about a vaccine, but it is about your freedom of will.
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Cor 9:7
Society is telling us that we should give our bodies to this massive science experiment for the "greater good" and is using various forms of force or pressure in the form of some kind of punishment to encourage compliance from those who are reluctant to give their bodies to science. However, God wants us only to give from our hearts, and we are instructed never to give under compulsion, this is a warning sign. If you are reluctant in any way, God says not to give. Remember, God gave us free will, God gave us our freedom to choose. To be pressured by any entity to do something against your will under the threat of punishment is a violation of your religious freedom and can and should be viewed as religious discrimination.
Have you read all of the scriptures yourself? Because are reciting the interpretations of the beast, which are incorrect.
Every scripture, many times, yes. I disagree with you.
Based on the scriptures, which day of the week did Christ rise from the dead?
This seems like an arbitrary measuring stick of the validity of someone's interpretations of the Bible, but I think it's an interesting topic and I like hearing what people think on these things.
It's been awhile since I went over all the details, so excuse my sloppiness, but I believe Jesus would've been crucified on a Wednesday, so the 3 days and 3 nights happened on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. He would've risen on what we would call Saturday night, but the Jews consider new days to begin in the evening, not midnight like we do, so for them it would've been Sunday.
What's your take?
You are correct except for the Sunday resurrection. Passover was Wednesday, Christ ate the Last Supper with the disciples, was betrayed, examined, scourged and hung on the cross by 9 am, he died at 3:00 in afternoon, before the sun set and the day ended. Thursday am through Saturday pm, 3 days and 3 nights.
Much more details here
This seems like an arbitrary measuring stick of the validity of someone's interpretations of the Bible
The point being what were we taught and by who? Why do they have us worshipping on Sun Day instead of Saturday which is the Sabbath? What they teach about eschatology is a lie. Think to change times and laws? They sure did.