My doctor has been changed before getting my exception signed and my new OBGYN refused to complete it as she "strongly encouraged the vaxx, but will respect my decision to not get it".
At 3 months from my due date, I REFUSE to inject venom in my body and harm my baby. I will be fired by the end of the month.
Any suggestions??? I'm quite desperate 😅 because I want my medical bills to be taken care of while I'm in labor.
Aside from the discrimination angle, your best option is to look into COBRA federal health insurance. There often are usually additional state subsidies to that program.
In essence, you are entitled to stay on your employer-sponsored group plan for up to 18 months. Without additional state subsidies, you will be required to pay both premiums (yours and your employer portions) its expensive, but significantly less than labor expenses.
Additionally, if you have enough time before then to enforce the jab, going on maternity leave would be a good option to take some heat off. However, it looks like in NJ they don't allow standard family leave until about 4 weeks prior.
Your situation sucks, and likely a lot of us are about to face job loss and life disruptions as well. But stay strong, and dont get that jab if you want to see your baby born healthy.