My doctor has been changed before getting my exception signed and my new OBGYN refused to complete it as she "strongly encouraged the vaxx, but will respect my decision to not get it".
At 3 months from my due date, I REFUSE to inject venom in my body and harm my baby. I will be fired by the end of the month.
Any suggestions??? I'm quite desperate 😅 because I want my medical bills to be taken care of while I'm in labor.
Not that easy. Medicine has gone from treatment for the best interest of the patient to enforcing the agenda of the AMA. Even if they personally agree with you that the vax will be detrimental to your mental health, present risk to your unborn baby, and not give you immunity from covid, many will still not give you that letter.
Most states, if not all, allow doctor’s discretion in prescribing treatment and exemptions and whether to adhere to outside recommendations (CDC, AMA).
Probably, but that’s just on paper. The reality is that we’re in the midst of a full-fledged Soviet style demoralization campaign. And Doctors aren’t immune. They don’t want to be labelled antivax, or have paperwork floating around suggesting it isn’t safe and effective. There are still good doctors that will write the letter, but you’d be surprised how hard they are to find.
My understanding is that doctors and hospital administrators are being incentivized/coerced to support the vaccine agenda. This is all part of the Great Reveal. What happened with politicians and government officials is now occurring with businesses and the medical community.
Everyone will be coerced by the end of it. Even if you live out in the country, grow your own food, own your home outright, and have a stack of money/gold you won’t be spared. Without military intervention, this process will play out until holdouts are placed in a detention facility.