Mask mandates are coming back, the jab mandates are being enforced, schools are going virtual. I hope we are getting close because we are all about to get backed in a corner. My employer has not mandated the jab yet but if you have to be in the community you have to have the vaccine. If you don’t have it they won’t allow you to do a major part of your job function which will probably be grounds for termination.
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Seems to me like 2 -3 weeks is all we have left if we are going to survive as a Nation. Probably sooner than that if all our military is required to get the jab by Sep 15th or else. We are at the crescendo.. These things were foretold though 2,000 years ago,
Normal isn’t coming back—Jesus is. Make sure you are right with the Lord Jesus Christ and accept him as your Lord and Savior. You do NOT want to be left to survive the last 7 years of time because you didn’t make that decision when you could have.
If we are not in that period of time—this can be reversed. Consider the idea that there has never been so much prayer and fasting for a turnaround before in the history of the world. There has never been so many people praying for deliverance as there is today. If this does not get reversed—It is a clear signal that we are in the moment of time that can’t be undone and must come to fruition, (Revelation). Mystery Babylon (I believe this to be America) must fall if it is written in the Book.
The pre-Tribulation rapture is unbiblical. John Nelson Darby was a Theosophist.
Come out of Babylon, and that includes the 501(c)3 Protestant churches who have reconciled with the Roman Catholic Church.
The Holy Spirit through John the Apostle wrote Revelation—Not John Darby. Show me in Scripture where it is unbiblical. The truth is that when God judges the world—He never judges His Children with the ungodly. (Noah, Lot’s family, parable of the wheat and the tares, parable of the 10 virgins, Rev 12- Woman and the dragon). The ark doors shut before the floods came, Lot and his family were removed before the fire came. Jesus himself said as in the days of Noah and Lot so will it be like when the Son of Man returns.
Correct, God will not punish His children, but the AntiChrist sure does before all of that starts. We all will be tested. The saints first and then the rest of the world for persecuting the saints.