So how long are they going to milk out this Covid madness? Are they going to try to drag it into another election year? Things were just starting to die down before all the “variant” started showing up to keep the narrative going. Now I am seeing all the Sheeple donning masks again out of paranoia. Employers, some, seem to be playing with the vaccination agenda. I figured with all of the NFL games and other sporting events turning on this fall that their narrative would fall apart. What do the rest of you think? How long is this bullshit gonna last?
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It won't go away until all the compliant retards wake up. This IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER. The scamdemic is the mechanism by which they are instituting global control. It "can't" go away until their plan is finished. You hear a lot of vaxtards say "if only everyone would just get vaccinated, this pandemic would go away." Well the actual truth is; this pandemic would go away if people would wake up, resist tyranny, do their own dag-damned research and get prophylactic treatments like HCQ/Ivermectin and zinc.