Compelling reasons not to knock anti-vaxxers
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First off; don’t let them call us “anti-vaxxers”
We’re not.
We’re literally and by definition NOT.
I dunno about you but I’m fully vaccinated.
I’ve got 2 young daughters; they are (and will soon be) fully vaccinated, 100%.
Every single shot / vaccine that’s in widespread and common use up to 2019, me, my children, my wife, my whole entire family has.
I’m not. Fucking. Anti-vaccine.
What I’m NOT going to do, is - only because my TV tells me to - line up like a common street junkie, offer daddy government my arm, to be injected with an objectively and definitively unknown, experimental gene therapy.
What I’m NOT going to do - again despite my TV telling me to - is to inject my body like some heroin addict, with some substance that was rushed to market IN barely 9 months, compared to the decades and CENTURIES of actual real-world experience, usage, clinical and real world trials, studies, and use in BILLIONS of people for TENS AND HUNDREDS OF YEARS.
The REAL vaccines; I have all of those.
No problem.
A barely 9 month old, experimental gene therapy?
AND one that it seems will turn YOUR immune system into a legit, no bullshit SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE?
And fuck you for shaming and bullying me.
Anti-vaxxer is a Leftist term to control the narrative.