Serious responses only please. I understand private companies can mandate the vax and force you to get it or be threatened with being fired.. so it’s still your “choice”
But my question is.. If a company follows the mandate and coerces thier employees to get the jab, Wouldn’t it be a HIPAA violation and Amendment violation for them to disclose this information to anyone including the GOVERNMENT?! How is that not a civil right violation?
they don't have to - they can report data in the aggregate. No-one is asking for private information of private individuals.
who they? government? they don't. Employer will. All the govt needs to know is that 99.9% of company's employees are vaxxed. Cuz that is the plan. And that is all they need to know.
I'm not sure I understand the question. You submit your vaccination card to your employer (HR) by hand or by specially created web portal or database. HR will calculate the vaccinated vs unvaccinated and will or will not allow you work based on that. I'm just not sure how each employer will be verifying the vaccination validity provided to them though. Lot numbers or serial numbers of vaccination by calling to doctors or CVS? Maybe database for verification is unrolling as we speak. Im sure they have thought of all of this.