Can Anyone Make Out the Second Book Title in Stuart Scheller’s New Video? Top is Imperium, Last is On War. Both are Relevant to Our Situation.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

This guy wreaks of deepstate - trying to pull together some narrative before 9/11 that we have to inflict violence on those who aren’t listening etc
The story, the tugging at the heart strings, the “love and war” talk, it’s too much man.
As I’ve always said, we have a leader to this movement, his name is President Trump, and unless he’s put out of commission, then I’m not taking any advice or orders from anyone, pertaining to violence.
When trump told us to “be there, will be wild” we came ready and willing to fight. Trump told us to go home in peace, so we went home.
It’s that simple, he’s given us new orders now, and that is to get to the bottom of the election fraud. So we are, we fight and support fellow Patriots with our money, energy, time, prayers etc.
This guys just not the real thing imo.
Yeah, my spidey senses tingle with this guy due to:
It’s looking like he’s being used in war games and I hate it.