I am just curious , as even the bulk of my normal conservtive IRL friends and other board associates TEND to go with the official narrative.
They may disagree about some of the smaller details but they shudder at the idea that it was an "inside" job in any way.
Very true. It's like a reflection of the degradation of our ethics. We have become comfortable lying and justify our lies, big or small, thereby lying to ourselves even more. Truly we lie to ourselves the most and rarely hold ourselves accountable. Society is mirroring us.
Well I know how uncomfortable I often find it to be in church and have my attention brought to some part of my character I'd rather leave in the fog... the temptation to just avoid situations that ask us to examine ourselves is pretty strong I think, and I think it plays more of a role than many people realise in why they keep finding reasons to dismiss Christ as a fairy tale... If you're going to be in a relationship with God, and really try and understand who he has revealed himself to be, at some point you have to start being honest with yourself and that is not always an easy ride...