(OrangeFruitGood - this is for you regarding your question about Q post #2, but felt it might be more helpful to the board to make a new post.)
Some of the newer members are only now finding Q's postings, and wondering what they mean. Many times context of the day helped understand the post. Sometimes not, and we had to wait for "news to unlock". The original research was compiled by Anons, and posted several places. There was a lot of research documented on many posts, and virtually none on others. Here is one source showing decodes for Q posts.
Go to this link: https://qresear.ch/
Click the Q Posts tab.
Scroll down until you find the Q post number desired
Click on the highlighted post number.
Scroll down on the post to find "Answers and Decodings"
One can also scroll through the Q posts by clicking previous or next post.
Click on the word "spreadsheet" to see all the decodes, and download them for safekeeping.
Note, early this morning the site kept "disappearing" only to reappear a few minutes later. So be patient. There is also a note this site will move to another server soon, and to try Q-Resear.ch if having problems.
What happened to wearethenews.ws
or, equally perplexing, what (really) happened to voat