posted ago by Loquitur_Veritatem ago by Loquitur_Veritatem +44 / -0

He doesn't watch the news due to all the misinformation (good). Realizes that things are weird and going to get weirder from the global supply chain perspective (good). Wife is a nurse, dermatology I think. But ...

He took 2 shots, had slight reactions to both, will wear a mask whenever asked and feels it's his social obligation to vax, mask up and lock down whenever told. His nurse wife says 80% of the Covid patients in her hospital are non-vaxed. Of course, I don't believe that and since she's not working in that area, she'd only know what they tell her like the rest of us.

Due to the ultra liberal HR idiots and the fact that I work for a Nordic socialist company that is a pathetic, weak copy of the deep state, I'll likely get fired for not vaxxing soon. Definitely one of the hills I'm prepared to die on. Screw these assholes.