Australians ignoring the mandates!
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Reposting what I wrote in another thread.
"This isn't really correct, it's the eastern suburbs of Sydney, they'll never get the same shit we get out in West Sydney.
For context this is Bondi with some of the most wealthy influential people in Australia residing in the surrounding suburbs.
If you think the cops are going to be heavy handed there, think again.
If we tried this out west, they would send the riot squad. In fact this has inflamed tensions because of the two tiered treatment, with people feeling like we're being targeted because we live in poorer areas.
Believe me it's like a different world there, out west we need papers to leave our local area, in the east, they get to go to the beach.
You forgot to mention that Bondi Junction (in the East) is the Jewish Capital of Sydney. They get looked after.
Bondi is also within state and federal electorates controlled by the Liberal party, whereas the harsh restrictions are within LGA's mostly Labor party controlled.