Molog 4 points ago +4 / -0

One would think that while they shouldn't have fought the blitzkrieg head on, there was plenty they could have done before hand.

French leadership seemed to have been limp way before Germany invaded.

Also I'm pretty sure France was the one to push Germany to the extreme in the treaty after WW1.

Molog 1 point ago +1 / -0

You got me wondering if key positions in the military are still held by officers who are acting on Trump's executive orders in regards to foreign interference in the elections.

You know you wouldn't need the top brass to act, just the right officers with the right information could really ruin deepstate plans.

Molog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the info QDay!

Molog 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not reaaaally an argument, unless your saying you want to strip english of any word that has a foreign origin?

That's a lot of the modern English that will be thrown out if you do though.

Molog 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what I understand about why gematria shows up here (which I'm very fuzzy about)

Gematria and a whole bunch of other ciphers are used by the cabal to encode hidden information.

And I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

I believe Q taught people how to use and research information using many of the techniques and ciphers the cabal uses.(If that makes sense)

So i wasn't around when the Q drops were coming down but I sorta pieced together that all the Q drops are interlaced with all sorts of clues if you use gematria, time of post, post number, numerology(?), and a few others I can't remember off the top of my head.

Now mind you I also believe that there is a lot of false positives baked into Q drops to scramble the signal of information.
Afterall you can tell the enemy your attacking, but you should never tell them how you will attack.

As for how gematria works I believe there should be information somewhere on this site, if it's not on the sidebar check the search feature.
Quite fascinating really.

Molog 4 points ago +4 / -0

Let's not fuck paragraphs, I like paragraphs they never hurt nobody.

I do agree that content is more important though.

Molog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never underestimate the media and their ability to outright fabricate a scandal over nothing.

Molog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry I'm from Australia, the distance between Ecuador and Mexico is around two small Oz states.

Relatively close considering you were comparing it to Canada to Switzerland which I'm sure is half the world away.

I'm sorry I'm not being a fick just thought it was a little exaggerated.
You would expect that Ecuador and Mexico are in the same local geopolitical sphere.

Edit: I'm very uncertain so correct me, I've just assumed they're very close.

Molog 5 points ago +5 / -0

No more gullible than they are today.

In the past the cabal exploited the ignorance of the population.

Now they flood people with information, overloading our ability to discern the truth through the noise.

It's incredible how far we've come since 2016.

Molog 1 point ago +1 / -0

For that matter you might consider how did they manage to get Epstein in the first place.
Considering how many people he had dirt on he should have remained free till the day he died.
Something tells me that there is only so much they can reasonably hide before they cut their own for the safety of the rest.

Molog 3 points ago +3 / -0

His dad might have just been a useful idiot, maybe didn't know jack shit. Or maybe he died too early to tell his family about the great reset plan!

Molog 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wasn't programmed with anything in regards to this, no in fact it's the first time, Ive heard the concept of culture being downstream of biology.

But I don't believe that, it's a huge stretch to me that biology has more than 5% of an effect on culture. That's just me inferring from what I now about the depth of what the word Culture means.

Also I love how your very willing for him to go in to danger, but don't offer yourself to go help him. Very easy for you to backseat what the man should do with his life based on his biology and because he's Christian he must spread Christianity to the 'brown' people he is related to.
The only way he can be a real Christian is to go get himself killed or to put himself in danger? I'm sorry but I don't think that's how it works.

It sounds like your making a lot of judgements about what people should do with their life based on their skin colour or where their ancestors come from?

Molog 3 points ago +8 / -5

He would be killed straight away, Muslims do not like people who leave Islam.
Culture being downstream of biology sounds like a justification for eugenics.

Molog 6 points ago +6 / -0

Bloated Bureaucracy! Well it gets worse though, 14 billion is just what was cut from their budget, but I bet their budget is many times larger than that.

Molog -2 points ago +1 / -3

I've probably only watched about half a seasons worth of friends, but wasn't her character in the show once know as the hemorphidite of long island?

Not that it means anything I just thought it was funny.

Molog 1 point ago +1 / -0

The smart ones know, they haven't forgotten the good 'intentions' of Canberra.

What really annoys me, is that Canberra is already the administration of the NT, they could already be helping those people there, yet somehow they need a vote from the public.

They've been making law for the NT all this while, yet they still won't help. So what makes people think this will be different?

Molog 1 point ago +1 / -0

No that's not true, those blue areas are the just the areas that had more yes than no.

Deeper red areas had more No than lighter red areas.

Molog 3 points ago +3 / -0

Again, have you researched the Australian government?

Don't tell me I'm basing it on feelings, when I'm basing it on history, both near and far.

The Australian government as it is right now is not a trustworthy entity.

This isn't an emotional argument, the government is trying to make it an emotional argument, they're the ones pointing at anyone who's opposed to voting yes as if we're unfeeling monsters.

If you want to defend the Australian government's emotional manipulation, then go ahead.

The Australian government hasn't been honest about exactly what they're doing, Yes campaigners have not been honest either.

All we have to go on is the government's guideline about what they're implementing.

I'm not voting on feelings, I voted on my trust in the Australian government.


Molog 3 points ago +3 / -0

Have you researched the Australian government?

I assure you, they're not going to overtly advertise all their proposed amendments they'll make.

The whole thing reeks of WEF/UN globalist power push.

Molog 3 points ago +3 / -0

I still remember when Trump tweeted out about Republicans not knowing how to win, and how he would teach them.

Well so many years later I think Trump has taught a lot of Republicans how to win.

I seen that while the leadership of the GOP is corrupted and have worked against the MAGA movement, MAGA has quietly been taking over on the local level of the Republican party.

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